Salman Khan – The Khan Academy

The Khan Academy phenomenon lives on, with more than 9,000 videos on more than 65 languages.

This Ted Talk by Salman Khan way back in 2011 has some profound learnings:-

1. He found that kids prefer a video of him teaching them, rather than him teaching them in person, because…

– in video, he can be paused and repeated

– there is less pressure on the kids – there isn’t someone there to ask them “have you understood what i just tried to teach you?”

– they can watch him again at a later date, without the embarrassment of going to him to tell him that they have forgotten what he taught.

2. He talks about the Flip Classroom (which I have described in a recent blog posting).  His comment is that the teachers use technology to “humanize” the classroom. I think this is specifically profound as many people (including educators) say that eLearning is not effective as it lacks the human touch in a classroom. But in reality, a typical classroom is where the teacher gives a one-way delivery of knowledge. The students are mostly not allowed to speak during this, and probably are terrified that they will be picked upon to answer questions.  In a Flip Classroom, the students can interact with each other, as well as with the teacher, whilst doing their homework.

3.  In a traditional classroom, the teacher moves on to another, probably harder topic, irrespective of whether all the students have mastered the current topic. Talk about lining them up for failure! Using technology and the Flip Classroom concept, the students get personalized learning, rather than a “one size fits all”. The slower students can watch the videos over and over again to catch up. And the better students can move on to other topics. In the class, the teacher is helping the students, irrespective of which topic the student is at. The teacher can spend more time in class to help the students who need to catch up.

4. With Khan Academy, the teachers can keep track of which student is up to which video. They can even have questions to test the students before they move to the next video. So at one glance, the teacher can see which of the students are falling behind, and need some extra attention. And for the students who are doing exceptionally well, the teacher can assign them to help those who are falling behind. Now, how cool is that! There is also a lot of other data which the teacher can have access to, as explained by Salman Khan.

5. The teacher can then spend 95% of his/her time interacting with (rather than talking at) the students. Traditionally, the teacher spends only 5% of his/her time in real interaction with the students. This can make the teachers’ job more interesting and satisfying.

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36 thoughts on “Salman Khan – The Khan Academy”

  1. I’m very impressed with The Khan Academy. It is an interesting and excellent way of teaching. It helps kids to be independent, confident learners. I also like the fact that they don’t have to be shy to ask questions, cause they can now pause and replay the video as many times as possible until they understand or found the answers they’re looking for.

  2. I have used the Khan Academy website before and it was very informative. I could learn at my own pace. I was preparing for the Graduate Records Examinations by reading books and some of the concepts were not clear. My cousin recommended the Khan Academy website. I visited the website and the mathematical concepts that I had challenges with became clearer as I watched videos. I stopped reading and relied solely on the Khan Academy website. I was able to go into the examination with confidence. The Khan Academy is helping students to achieve academic excellence. They ensure that the information is explicit so that even a slow learner in the audience can understand. The information is also free so I believe everyone should take advantage of this opportunity. E-learning is more flexible than traditional teaching. It gives students the opportunity to digest information and learn at their own pace. The problem with traditional classroom setting is that students don’t get enough time to digest information. Teachers tend to focus on completing their lesson and so they move on even when their students are not grasping relevant information. E-learning removes barriers and helps shy students like me. Some students are afraid to ask questions and even ask teachers to repeat. In an E-learning environment, you can go over materials and concepts that you don’t understand. Both teachers and students should consider incorporating the Khan Academy platform. Today’s generation is born in the technological era so the traditional teaching may not be effective for everyone. Incorporating audio visual equipment in the learning environment can make learning fun and motivate students.

    1. Thank you Felecia. You have really hit the nail on the head. It would really be a great benefit to students if all schools can incorporate this. Teachers do not need to spend time to keep repeating their lessons. The time can be spent interacting with the students – mentoring and inspiring them. Another added benefit is that the learning delivery is then very consistent.

  3. Imagine someone tells you this: “I prefer hearing and watching the Youtube version of you rather than learning from you face-to-face”. How would you feel? That was heard by a financial analyst turned educator and CEO, Salman Khan many years ago when he was asked to tutor his relatives in mathematics. Instead of sulking and taking the statement negatively, he saw it as opportunity. Therefore, he took it as a challenge to embark on a new project which he felt beneficial to many others across the globe. Born and raised in Metairie, Louisiana, Khan quit his job as a financial analyst in 2009 to pursue his passion. He is already very successful in his mission to accelerate learning for students of all ages. His videos have been viewed by millions of keen learners in many countries.

    The path to success for Khan was not a smooth one. Many have openly criticized the effectiveness of his videos since Khan does not have a background in pedagogy, he was criticised due to the fact that he does not have a degree in any field related to education. He did not let any of those criticisms bring his spirit down. Instead, he managed to get errors in his videos fixed. He also managed to build a strong network of content specialists. During one of the interviews, he acknowledged that although there are limitations, his online lectures are of high value. He stated that he did not mean his online videos to be a substitute for a complete education, but rather to assist students with their learning.

    Khan Academy’s success was proven by recognitions nationally and internationally. Bill Gates enthusiastically spoke about Khan Academy’s in his speech at the Aspen Ideas Festival. To support the creation of more valuable content, allow translations for the academy’s content and also enable the academy to hire more staff, Google’ Project donated 2 million dollars in year 2010. Recognitions received are not limited to those aforementioned, the founder himself was listed among The Times 100 most influencial people for 2012 and in 2014, Khan was honored to be one of five recipients of the Heinz Award.

    In short, it is evident that Salman Khan has the clout and confidence to succeed. Hopefully, all available content in the academy’s website will continue to be of great benefit to many of us.

    Each year thousands of fresh graduates left universities with a high hope and a great vision – to be able to obtain a secured job with a lucrative income either with the public sectors or the private sectors. However very few are able to secure jobs in the private sectors. One of the factors is that fresh graduates are unable to communicate in English even those with distinctions in English. Therefore it is a fact that job seekers with A in SPM English but can’t speak a word of it. This is not something new. In fact it has been a stale and stereotype phenomenon that is unique in Malaysia.
    Our Ministry of Education is very much aware of such phenomenon. However I feel that our education system is always changing and sometimes implementation of certain system have not been aggressive enough. ( I do not want to further elaborate on this) . Credits should be given to our former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir (TDM). During his reign it was his master mind to introduce the Teaching of Science & Mathematics in English. ((PPSMI). I would say he has made a drastic change in the education system simply because he knew that without the mastery of the English Language, Malaysians cannot stand on par with the other neighbouring countries (especially Singapore) and in the era of globalization. Thus PPDMI was implemented and I could see the new batch of students under this system were very good in English as they are forced to study Science and Mathematics in English. Unfortunately it died a natural death and did not last long enough for us to see the fruitful effort. There are many reasons why job seekers with ‘A’ in SPM English but can’t speak a word of it.
    Firstly, English language is not a compulsory subject for students to pass in the SPM exam. There is no need and relevance for students to be serious in English at all. Even if they failed English in the SPM exam and as long as they fulfill the requirement, students are able to continue their studies in Form 6. Similarly, Form 6 students only need to sit for the MUET (Malaysian University English Test) exam and even if with a Band 1( Band 1 – the lowest, Band 6- the highest ) students are able to enter university provided their CGPA is good. That is the scenario of the fate of the English Language in Malaysia. Consequently, the Form 6 students feel that it really does not matter if they obtain a Band 1 in MUET. Moreover most of the students feel that there is no relevance for them to learn English at all so this makes them set their mind not to pay much attention to the English subject in class. So once the mindset is wrong, their attitude is also wrong. Their attitude towards the English subject – they have never been serious in class when it comes to learning English because it’s not compulsory to pass English in the SPM exams. Besides without English, they can still survive in Malaysia.
    Secondly, there is a big gap between the SPM syllabus and the MUET syllabus. SPM does not test students on the 4 skills – Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. While MUET is more holistic and has equal weightage of the assessment. And it tests students on all the 4 skills, so when students continue their studies in Form 6 they find it hard to adapt to the new format.- the worst being the Speaking and Listening component. Therefore it is not surprising at all that after 11 years of studying English, school leavers are not able to speak a word of it.
    As a teacher teaching English for 36 years it is indeed a very frustrating task to see students struggling to speak in English. They can’t listen, speak, read and write well, How on earth are they qualified for the job markets? Many SPM students resort to rote learning, memorizing the sample or model essays without having to analyse and think critically for the answers. That’s how they end up getting ‘A’ for English in the SPM exams.
    Thirdly, grammar items are not emphasized in the English curriculum as the main concern is communicative English and to make students able to communicate in the language minus the proper grammar. Grammar is taught as integrated skill in Communicative English. It is incorporated in all the topics but not as an isolated lesson in class. When I learnt English back in the 1960’s, grammar was taught in class as an isolated lesson . Teachers came into the class drilled and drummed grammar into the students’ mind. Therefore senior teachers in school under the old system were able to speak better in English than the Y generations. Undoubtedly, students nowadays lack of grammar and end up mastering broken English instead.
    In addition there are only 6 periods per week of English in class for the SPM students and 8 periods per week of MUET for the STPM students. Thus the main problem is students only speak and listen to English during the English period in class. Many students choose to speak Bahasa Malaysia or Chinese during the English/MUET period. There is no sense of urgency to speak English. It is difficult to create an English speaking environment for them.. they choose not to communicate in English even if they are force to speak in that language. Speaking English is not restricted in class or school but they choose not to speak in English. Recently our Education Ministry has implemented another new programme – Highly Immersive Programme (HIP) under the MBMMBI policy. The main objective is to improve English proficiency of students through increased exposure in school. It is hoped that with this programme, it can inculcate positive behavior towards learning and usage of English. Thus all schools in Malaysia are empowered to run this programme effectively. It sounds very promising and we hope that students will improve in the English Language tremendously.
    In conclusion, there is only one solution to make students, fresh graduates and job seekers to be proficient in English – our Education Ministry should be bold enough to make English as a mandatory subject to pass in the SPM exam and a minimum Band 3 in MUET for Form 6 students to enter university.

    Written by:
    Cheah Chai Kim


    In response to this article, I totally agree that for a student to improve his conversational skills in a classroom, he should be practicing speaking with different people either on a one-to-one basis or in a group. To improve in his speaking skills, he needs not just confine himself in the classroom to speaking or interacting with his teacher alone. Whenever a teacher steps into the classroom, teaching and learning is going to be very formal. At the same time, the teacher may have to rush through to complete the syllabus and exams formats. He may not have time to further interact with his students other than completing his task as according to the lesson planned for that day. Thus it is not possible for him to engage in a dialogue especially an informal one. The students in the class mostly take turns to speak or answer the questions. Even then, some students may not be called to answer any questions at all because teacher may not have the time to call all the students to respond.
    As for the teaching and learning environment in Malaysia, most of the rural schools students only get to hear and speak English during the English period in the class. Once outside the class, they choose to interact in their own mother tongue. There is no English speaking environment in such school. There is also very little initiative taken by students to create such environment- the fact is they are more comfortable speaking in their own mother tongue.
    In addition, students should learn to speak English with different people from different nationality or racial background. Different people speak differently especially when there is an influence in the different slang or accent used. I remember there was once when I was touring Australia. The driver of the coach tried his best to entertain us with some jokes. It was so hard for us Asians to understand what he was saying. He was talking about an “Irish man” but what I heard was an “Orange man”. When he said “later” I thought he meant “Lighter”. In another situation, a European man said “Start Smoking”, when in actual fact he meant “Stop Smoking”. It took me quite a while to figure out what he said. I realise that as Asians it is hard for us to understand what the Europeans are saying and as for them it seems we speak too fast and it is difficult for them to understand us instead. I may be proficient in English but I always feel intimidated when talking to any European because of their slangs. Therefore, I strongly believe that students should speak English with different people from different nationality.
    Furthermore, building confidence in the newly acquired language with people you have not met before is also another appropriate approach to speaking a new language. Students have been speaking with their teachers in class all this while. They are very familiar with their own English teachers. They don’t feel intimidated nor nervous when speaking with their own English teachers. In fact, they feel comfortable talking to them. Thus the real test is when students have to speak to newly acquainted friends, associates, or even to strangers and that is the time when they lack of confidence in speaking the language. The situation becomes worst when these students are assessed in their speaking exams where by students need to interact in English within stipulated time with total strangers or assessors from other schools.

    Written by:
    Cheah Chai Kim

  6. I agree with the use of technology and the Flip Classroom concept. At school I was slow. The teachers did not use videos or offer us the use of technology. As a result I fell behind and had to work extra hard to get good marks. Thankfully I managed to get good marks in matric and earned a university degree. Since university I have done courses on the Internet that use video as their main method/form of teaching. I find that so much easier because, like the post said, I can watch the video again if I don’t understand what was taught the first time I watched it. I was quite quick to finish my online courses. However, I do enjoy the opportunities for interaction given in the classroom as I am a very enthusiastic person, even when studying.

  7. I totally liked the idea of flip classroom and consider it as one of the best teaching methodologies and it should be applied by all the learning centers worldwide. This allows the students to learn on their own pace, be more efficient, contribute to the classroom and learn more. This is one of the reasons why The Khan Academy is so successful and it also shows the importance of eLearning in the modern era.
    Besides, this idea of learning through videos helps a lot of students with their confidence and their understanding level, so if they don’t understand a subject, they can always rewind the video and watch it again. Being a teacher, I know the struggle to recognize the learning pace of students and their learning capabilities, but this method can easily remove this burden off my shoulder and I will have more time to work on the students rather than working to know if they have understood the topic or not.
    We should definitely try to welcome eLearning in the Asian countries and let everyone take benefit from the many advantages it can bring in our lives.

  8. It is a great initiative to humanize the learning process, understanding that kids have different paces of learning. A kid labelled “slow” may have the potential to become a genius like Einstein.

    The ability for teachers to help all students by having better visibility on their progress is also a step in the right direction.

    It is nice to see donor such as Salman Khan being behind such initiatives.

  9. I would like to applaud Mr. Salman Khan for creating a concept that diversifies the learning process both of the students and the teacher via the Flip Classroom system.

    Going back to the traditional classroom setup, I also found it hard to speak about what I think in front of many people. I am afraid that my point would be invalid in the eyes of my co-students. But Mr. Khan devised a more interactive way of learning a two-way process that allows each student to voice their opinions on every subject…

    On the other hand, the teachers would also find it efficient when it comes to handling students. They do not need to talk non-stop about a certain topic in case, not all the students could follow the discussion. The Flip classroom concept also allows the teacher to see which of the students are doing an excellent job so they could also give a hand to those in need.

  10. I would like to applaud Mr. Salman Khan for creating a concept that diversifies the learning process both of the students and the teacher via the Flip Classroom system.

    On the other hand, the teachers would also find it efficient when it comes to handling students. They do not need to talk non-stop about a certain topic in case, not all the students could follow the discussion. The Flip classroom concept also allows the teacher to see which of the students are doing an excellent job so they could also give a hand to those in need.

  11. So in my idea flip classroom should be used in our world a lot, why?
    students can access content in their home any time they want and they can pause it and rewind it and watch it again if they didn’t understand the lesson, and they can get prepared to ask some questions from the teacher, the student maybe get bored in the school environment and not home and etc.. But there is some problem with this method,
    some people may not access the internet easily and may not have the budget to buy a laptop or phone,
    some student maybe can understand the lesson when they are in school or in a group,
    for me, I learn something when I am reading it so maybe some people is like me and they don’t actually get the lesson when they are watching a video
    But still, I feel like the flip class is better than a traditional classroom because every day we are going to improve our life with theology.

  12. as i have used khan academy before it really is an innovation which can change the world
    imagine learning your favorite subject whenever or where ever you want without any problem
    it really helps people to get access to education well and fast which many people doesn’t have
    it helps everyone understand better and to help others too and it really is helping people with financial problem too such as third world countries where the majority of people are poor and illiterate
    what khan academy did may safe thousand lives and may grow up thousand of great world leaders from across the world

  13. I would like to appreciate Mr. Salman Khan to create a great opportunity for online learners via Flip classroom method.

    Flip classroom method is very good for students and teachers as the students can pause the video or repeat the video to get understand the lesson very well and those who find difficulties on their lessons another clever students can help them via flip classrooms, another good thing in this method is that student can ask questions from teachers so they have communication with the teachers. Which is hard to find in other online courses.
    Khan academy is great opportunity for those third world countries which don’t has a better traditional educational system, so student can access and learn in Khan academy via modern technologies in their home safely.

  14. Education is the key towards success. In fact, everyone is trying to find a better way to teach the learners. While it’s difficult to believe that sometimes its hard to learn things easily especially for the different categories of student’s. Besides, in the 19th century, the system of education was traditional while the teacher keeps teaching and peeking up hard topics while the student couldn’t get the topic very well. In addition, every classroom has various levels of students but with different talent, skills and understanding. Some of the students are very shy to ask questions, on the other hand, there are student’s that can get and learn easily it’s natural for them but we have to consider all the student.

    Traditionally, the flipped classroom is the best tool to use in the 21st century. The flipped classroom intentionally shifts instruction to a learner-centered model in which class time explores topics in greater depth and creates meaningful learning opportunities, while educational technologies such as online videos are used to ‘deliver content’ outside of the classroom. In the other words, students understand things differently as a person. While passing centuries with the various era. In fact, we need a revolution in terms of education while we can use the methods for a different way of understanding while learning. the Student engagement in the traditional model may be limited to activities in which students work independently or in small groups on an application task designed by the teacher.

    Moreover, Khan Academy is the best tool we can use for education while it ’s tools are developed neither for the teacher but also for student’s. The best thing is it has ranks and points while learning a lot of passing the test which motivates the learner to focus more and work hard.

    In conclusion, century repeats itself. We have to take advantages of different things while it didn’t work back in the 19th or 20th century. We need to have evolution in terms of education. Thanks to the new generation for making this happen likewise khan academy. Everything has its pros and cons it depends on us which one to chose.

  15. Education is the key towards success. In fact, everyone is trying to find a better way to teach the learners. While it’s difficult to believe that sometimes it’s hard to learn things easily especially for the different categories of student’s Besides, in the 19th century, the system of education was traditional while the teacher keeps teaching and peeking up hard topics while the student couldn’t get the topic very well. In addition, every classroom has various levels of students but with different talent, skills and understanding. Some of the students are very shy to ask questions, on the other hand, there are student’s that can get and learn easily it’s natural for them but we have to consider the entire student.

    Traditionally, the flipped classroom is the best tool to use in the 21st century. The flipped classroom intentionally shifts instruction to a learner-centered model in which class time explores topics in greater depth and creates meaningful learning opportunities, while educational technologies such as online videos are used to ‘deliver content’ outside of the classroom. In the other words, students understand things differently as a person. While passing centuries with the various eras In fact, we need a revolution in terms of education while we can use the methods for a different way of understanding while learning. the Student engagement in the traditional model may be limited to activities in which students work independently or in small groups on an application task designed by the teacher.

    Moreover, Khan Academy is the best tool we can use for education while its tools are developed neither for the teacher but also for students. The best thing is it has ranks and points while learning a lot of passing the test which motivates the learner to focus more and work hard.

    In conclusion, century repeats itself. We have to take advantages of different things while it didn’t work back in the 19th or 20th century. We need to have evolution in terms of education. Thanks to the new generation for making this happen likewise khan academy. Everything has its pros and cons it depends on us which one to choose.

  16. I really agree and love this method of teaching, it would really help the students to understand and to keep them interested with their learning. As i have taught some of students in Refugee Learning Center, The students were very keen to watch videos regarding their studies.
    This is the required method of 21st century where everyone is busy with their own works, it would help them to be independent and confident in their works.

  17. I am going to share my experience as a teacher and filmmaker.

    -It is very important that when and where we are going to do something, going to school and being present in the class is something that students have to do, want or don’t want.
    But when a teacher provide the students a video and give them the freedom that can watch wherever and whenever they are going to do it with feeling and interest it will give more better result, but one more thing is mention-able that children need someone to encourage them to do something and it work better if they feel familiar with the person and it could be the teacher or parents.
    -People believe on what they see as we can see the result of media on society,
    -Children like entertainment so a teacher may include that in video which is not able to do that personally in the class, totally I can say that a teacher may include what he planes to teach in their lessons in a video which is hard to apply in the class.

    Teaching is not about what we learned and transfer or we love to be a teacher, it is a talent,(a teacher presents the past,reveals the present and create the future.

  18. As I studied the text and watched the video about Khan Academy, that impressed and inspired me. It is a big facility for the people and society who study at home or has a financial problem. It is a nonprofit organization. Everybody from everywhere can study high quality of education here .no need to pay money. There are videos Exercises and materials that have already been uploaded for students .we can study our favorite subject and repeat one video over and over here. I used to study at Khan Academy as well. That is a great website for learners. Khan Academy offers many languages which come in handy for students and we can learn from the language we are comfortable with, videos with English subtitle. It is good for non native speakers because many students join there. They have low level of English skill.

  19. I totally appreciate the concept of The Khan Academy. The Khan Academy is one of my favorite eLearling sites and i have already recommended it to everyone I know. I have been an English teacher for the past few years and I totally understand the hardships a teacher faces while teaching different students of different levels. Some students learn slower than the others and the teacher should always encourage his students and allow them to learn at their own pace. With the concept of the Flip Classroom, the students can repeat the lesson as many times as they need and they can take their time and learn the lesson properly. This is one of the best things about eLearning and The Khan Academy and that’s why it has been such a success. I would definitely want such concepts to be applied in the rest of the world so that everyone could take advantage of them.

  20. In today’s world where the majority of people are engaged in using technological tools, flip classroom is perhaps the best idea to gain student’s attention and provide education for them across the globe. The motivation behind flip classroom is that it allows students to learn at their own pace.They can receive more one_on_one attention from the classroom teacher if they are actively working on an assignment in class. They learn more efficiently and enthusiastically, participate in the classroom and learn more. This method also helps students learn more confidently without hesitating to ask any questions. If they don’t get the concept of a lesson they can rewind the video as often as they want until they understand it.
    On the other hand this method facilitates teachers to handle class better and prevents disruptions while teaching. These advantages show that the Khan Academy is an international successful academy all over the world and it promises to be a great benefit to all students if they welcome and adopt it.

  21. From the surface, it definitely seems like the Khan academy can offer a possible solution to tackle the “education gap” in refugee communities, where many are denied the right to access education facilities in their transiting countries. However, in order to do so, genuine effort to empower them to use such tools is still required. It won’t be an easy task; many kids aren’t even able to do basic reading, writing and and arithmetic. So for this to work, to enable affordable and accessible education for all, there still needs to be an initial investment of teaching the kids first by people within and outside the community

  22. I strongly believe that this learning model is profoundly handy not just for the urban areas, but also for the rural areas where there aren’t well-grounded teachers and instructors as if they have access to internet, they can easily be schooled with meager guidance enabling them to posses the basic high school education at least and use them for the personal and professional development of not just themselves, but others too.

    Moreover, special people are the pivot of our society and they also can handily facilitate themselves by developing themselves intellectually and professionally and not feel inferior to others regarding accessibility to education.

  23. Khan Academy digitalized teaching and contents. There is no classroom and board. Students are faced with screen but no teacher. Khan academy is an opportunity to involve students all across the globe. its provide knowledge for everyone; for south Africa or Afghanistan, Israel or Palestine, India and Pakistan which their children and students are not able to meet each other but they are in same class and community without any political issues.
    About its negative effects. For example; there is no teacher in present to ask and control the children. It’s clear that the children are always trying to pass their time with playing and gaming. The teacher behind the desk has asked each student about their progress and videos but the children need a person at home also to control the child. it makes two sides busy, teacher and parents. By the passage of time, it becomes boring because there is no play time, warming and school garden. Students need running, jumping and sports with the Khan academy doesn’t have.
    I prefer Khan Academy only for language learning and extra activities for students but not for school to stop students from going to school.

  24. I truly appreciate Khan academy’s efforts as they’ve managed to arrange such environment for the pupils. This method is way more effective than the usual one. We must admit that eLearning saves us time as well as money. It’s obvious that teachers face troubles dealing with every students as he doesn’t know the level of understanding of every individual. And the pupils too don’t feel relaxed that way. There are some students who feel shy asking questions regarding the lesson which they haven’t understood but there ain’t any need now, they can rewind the video as many times as needed to understand the topic/lesson thoroughly. We can clearly observe that eLearning proves to be more effective & practical.–

  25. Education is a way to access the success and Education also is a pretext to make the life more elegant. World will applaud your wisdom and they will respect you more when you are a lettered person.
    Elearning is a way to learn about the world arround us and the phenomena ; so Khan Academy educate the people at home by Videos that It is the best easy way of education.
    Khan Academy should glory of its education method, it is one of the best prevalent method in the world.
    I’ve experienced the beauty of learning by this way when I was in High school ,The most magnificent of educational period.
    When a student is learning by video at home so he/she feels comfortable and he/she can watch the videos over and over for better understanding.
    Education in Khan academy makes you feel beneficial and everybody can use their time helpful by learning instead of wasting time harmfully by playing video games.
    I’ve learned some level of photoshop and Video editing by passing this way. It was an extraordinary experience that I have had in my life by Elearning.
    It is a way to save the time as well , for example in Khan Academy you don’t need to traverse the path to get to class, you learn at home and save your time.
    Also it is really absorbing to learn with Khan Academy.
    This is my viewpoint about Khan Academy.

  26. About the khan’s academy it’s one of the method in which they provide the students their comfort zone, offer of friendship and encouragement of confidence. I have personally experienced such kind of teachers who used to be very rude and irrespective with the students due to which the students become frightened of the teacher. When the student see such kind of teachers they even forget their own memorized lessons. Which will become a big whole in their confidence level and learning procedure. Things learned in a friendly environment can be found more easy rather in a strict environment and that’s the reason that all the rich people send their children in private schools. The khan’s academy has removed the barrier between the rich and poor. Every one can get their lessons with their own comfort level and pace

  27. Learning is not always about pushing things into students’ minds. Its about having credible knowledge, expertise, skills and artistic approaches to make it more fun – rather than a burden. With fun, students will be engaged mentally and wholeheartedly. This way, its more effective. This is what Salman Khan proved. And this article has almost discussed the main ideas that he explained or facilitated. The combination of his personal skills in math and his expertise in technology is really brilliant and inspiring.

    The most interesting idea in Khan Academy is, offering logical ways to improve the quality of education and improve the very existing environment of classrooms more purposeful and innovative. Khan Academy is trying to build the required living-skills in students which is unfortunately absent in current classrooms. Khan Academy offers the teaching of how to fish but not giving them the fish directly. This is what must have been realized earlier.
    This academy has paved completely a brand new way for a better learning opportunity as he says, “Education is not one size fits all.” But this approach does fit all. It simply means, a teacher available 24-hours without any trouble – willingly.

    Technology now has become a part of one’s life. It didn’t disconnect but filled a huge gap, connected relatives, made education more powerful, useful, creative and reachable – even those with disabilities can have a quality education in their own areas of passion and interest.
    I have sisters and brothers who are still at school. And I believe they will make the most use of it from Khan Academy. A teacher available 24-hours – anywhere, everywhere, at anytime and every-time! Isn’t an incredible gift for us all!?

  28. The Khan Academy has a good system in fact its students. To be honest, the video in this post is really interesting to me. We can say it is a good system of teaching for now and future education classrooms. A lot of works could be done to design this system for teachers and students in the world. I do agree with this useful teaching methods can save our energy, times and money. The main power of this system is technologies. Let me share my idea regarding technologies which gave us the chance to study through online classes.

    Life and Technology in 21 century.

    This is obvious that everyone is familiar with using of technologies in developed and undeveloped countries in the world. As we see the world becomes smaller and smaller every day because of having modern technologies in our hands, universities, schools and classes. This is a perfect time we should use them correctly to make everything pleasant for our societies, countries and the world.. We have to learn how use them in different fields. We should be able to know about what is happening around the universe regularly by putting technologies in our daily actions. Nowadays, the world is like our homes we can see and watch everything quickly and easily even we can run business from homes and teach different classes worldwide. This is a good opportunity for mankind.

    If there were not any technologies available, we might have a lot of difficulties in different fields such as education, communications, transportation, business, medical, science researches, environment, industries, health and life style. This is technology which gives us the solution for all the difficulties in our daily lives. If we compare today’s world and business with a few hundred years ago, we can say that our lives are more comfortable in different sections. We can save our time and money by utilizing technologies every day as part of our business tasks and teaching systems.

    For example:

    If we use technologies to teach and study, everything is easy and possible such as finding resources, facilitating different presentation and classes. By using them, we can study and teach online which is really helpful and effective for students. Our students do not need to waste hours to go to classes in these crowded cities. They can save their time and money by studying online sessions. We must appreciate the inventors and creators for their nice inventions which can provide good service for our societies and peoples around the world.

    Technologies connect the people around the world easily. They help us to live our lives more comfortably and smoothly. They create more jobs and opportunities for all nations in entire the globe. By using the modern technologies, we can reduce crimes and also we are able to stop happening of many bad things such as stealing, corruption, smuggling, death because of illnesses, tsunami, hurricanes, hijacking, fire, protecting our countries. We have the chance to decrease wasting a lot of money on hiring workers for running businesses, industries and constructions etc…

    I do believe that technologies are very essential for their users. They play an important role in the world.

    Written by Danish, 21/ 2/ 2019

  29. Thanks to khan academy that they innovate a new way of learning.
    Now students can learn at their own pace and engage concepts with peers without a high level of frustration. in addition, the teachers can work closely with students in the classroom to improve students’ ability to solve open-ended problems and attitude. There are also some disadvantages to the flipped classroom, the students learn knowledge and skills at different paces. due to this mode of operation relies on students’ self-motivation. Tests are usually provided to every student synchronously to judge how much they have learned over a period of time. Students in poor areas may not have the ability to possess the computers and the Internet that the flipped classroom requires.

  30. I think education is probably one of the most important issues we need to learn and Khan Academy’s brought it as new education as we’re growing up fast in technology.
    I believe that online education is the best way to engage students more in classroom nowadays.
    Fortunately everyone has a smartphone and can use it to learn easy everywhere, everytime, whoever. Can pause the video several times, watch it again and again till learn it completely.
    Let me say a short from my elementary school,as Salman Khan has mentioned it in his video, in that time we had traditional education, I sometimes didn’t understand the lesson, when our teacher asked any question I was shy and said no word because I thought when I raise my hand teacher and others students think I’m lazy and fool that didn’t get the lesson well, but with online lesson there is no problem like this. Thanks

  31. I am extremely impressed by The Khan Academy. This should be encouraged, because we can only learn something when we want and this method is exactly according to students’ comfort and interest. It is also appreciated for making students to be energized to learn by their own method. Because of being under their own control, they will be more confident and inspired. They will certainly prepare themselves well for doing their homework with their fellows.

    On the other side, if a student doesn’t understand a lesson, other students will not be compelled to wait For one another. Like this no one will get bored as well.

    I believe that The Khan Academy’s method is a great cause of bringing improvement in the way of education which will be proved a great change to reform coming futures.

  32. Khan academy is one of the most brilliant ways for youth as well as adults to learn and/or catch up with what they have left behind. I have used Khan Academy for the past few years with an Australian mentor at some stages. It caused me to learn so much and improve a lot.
    Another interesting and rather innovative thing about this platform is that kids could study at any field they are passionate; as in a traditional classroom kids are taught subjects that are not benefitting any of their dreams in the future. Most classes may be very boring for more than a half of students in the class.
    Khan academy’s videos/ curriculum should even be implemented as the curriculum for schools that have open access to technology and internet. This way reserved students could learn at anytime and anywhere with their device by watching the videos over and over rather than sitting in class where they are afraid to present their selves as slow learners.
    Thus, in this modern era where technology and innovation speaks first and world is changing on a crazy speed we have better encourage every kid to study where they are interested in and may bring a noble result or invention to make a better world.

    Ahmad Basir Zaffari

  33. I believe the content of Khan Academy is really beneficial and helpful for everyone who tries to educate himself in any scientific area, either you are a teacher or a student. I used to study by Khan Academy system and I found some positive points in it:
    1_ It provides educational videos for user. Learning by videos is much easier for online study as it involves visual section of mind. In addition hearing sense is also active. Whenever more senses work in the process of learning, the student learn more deeply and is able to keep it for a longer time.
    2- The videos are simple and clear, therefor any person is able to use it without having serious trouble. It means even if you do not access to a mentor, teacher or an academic space you still have the chance to learn.
    3- Khan Academy provides more interesting and fascinating resources for the teachers who are seeking for up-to-date information.
    To sum up, I assume studying by Khan Academy is a great tool for the people who has self- motivation. It does not matter if they are in usual age of learning or are kept far from education for a while. If somebody wants to progress, there is no excuse to not succeed.

  34. The advent of the internet has changed the ways people live their lives. A growing number of people are now considering online education, such as Khan Academy which allows them to complete a degree at home. Even though online learning is different from traditional college education, it has some advantages in some aspects.
    Online learning is more flexible than the traditional way of receiving education, thereby offering learners more educational opportunities. Students can read relevant materials and attend lectures by watching videos. When they have problems in digesting information, they can click the pause button and replay the video until they fully understand the content. These online education courses are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and therefore its suitable for those who lead a hectic life, as long as they have access to the internet.
    A main drawback of online education is that students have found it difficult to improve their social skills because there are few group assignments. Students complete their degree independently and do not have opportunities to meet each other and socialize together. The failure to build up a network of contacts can have negative impact on their career development.
    Distance learning has made university education more accessible, because of its flexibility. However, it has some drawbacks, such as lack of interaction, so it is not able to achieve the same learning outcomes as traditional college education.

    Written by Zabihullah Hussaini, 14/06/2019

  35. After reading the article, I thought it was a great summary of how the “Khan academy” has defied the conventional method and hit the refresh button on the entire system. I decided to show some similarities by tracing the Jewish, Indian and Chinese early schooling methods which was mostly discipleship under a prominent teacher and each student is taught differently.
    After watching the TED Talk, I abandoned my initial idea because I was astonished with his delivery of presentation. I have seen phenomenal presentation by various individuals before but there was something different with Salman Khan. He didn’t speak from a position of authority rather in an inviting tone, if you noticed he did not pull ranks on what capacity he is capable to do what he is doing. Usually people in his position having achieved what he has would want to essentially try to tell the world that this is “The Way”, however Khan’s approach was more of I have “A Way” which works.
    The entire speech revolved around how Khan Academy has a method that is working for both students and teachers alike. He emphasized the benefits of the system in a precise manner. The article summarized this in 5 points:
    1. Tutoring videos are better than physical teachers.
    2. Flipping classrooms humanizes the delivery process,
    3. As a traditional classroom no one gets left behind as it caters for all,
    4. The teachers could track the progress of the students
    5. Revamped the role of the classic teacher by spending 95% of their time in interaction (one-on- one with everyone & more with those who needs it) rather than dictation.

    By the way if you evaluate “Khan Academy” and would want to know what’s the secret sauce? You don’t have to search further as he proved it in the “TED Talk”, it’s his presentation skills which is clear, precise and simple to understand.

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