Did you notice this about classroom-based training….

I attended a short training session this morning on Blue Ocean Leadership. I am not going to comment about the quality of the training and the topic, but rather on the mode of delivery.

It was just a two hour session. The most engaging parts of the session was when videos were played. There were a couple of rather interesting videos. But I could have watched them on Youtube, I presume.

Halfway through the session, one of the participants starting raising questions, and did this quite a bit. Her issue was how to convince her leadership to adopt this Blue Ocean Leadership concept. After a while, I had to intervene that the issue she has is a dysfunctional leadership, and that this is not the topic of this workshop.

There were quite a number of questions coming from the participants, which is a credit to the trainer and also the topic. However most people just jumped in whenever they had something to ask or to say, and the loudest voice would prevail.

I also saw a fellow who kept trying to put his hand up, and never got his turn. We are talking about a rather small group of about a dozen people.

I could not help comparing this to the discussion boards which we use in our eLearning environment. I would not have to spend time reading the questions and exchanges with the instructor which were not related to the topic and of no interest to me. Also, every single participant can ask any number of questions, and each time, he/she would be just as loud as everyone else.

It took me 40 minutes to drive to the location, a bit of a struggle to look for a car park. All in all, it took me 4 hours to attend a 2 hour training session.Павелкокак приехать в германию

34 thoughts on “Did you notice this about classroom-based training….”

  1. I have been a seasoned Trainer to companies I previously worked with. From the the observation that I had, I know that eLearning — is one of the future unconventional type of holding a adult classroom learning. Though, we do have processes we need to take a look at.

    There are relatively common and at point that we need to answer. Who are the audience, the curriculum, the subject matter and the goal. One must remember that the main goal of a training, whether eLearning or classroom based training is the equip employees the knowledge and tools they need to accomplish their task and be successful.

    There are obstacles that we have be observant, especially that will hinder trainees to become a champion. This is where Training Needs Analysis comes in. Remember the target of a TNA is to equip and make an employee successful. It will be an absolute boundless if the company is aiming for accomplishments.

  2. We must really make use of the technology that is available today to save us time, effort, and resources. Online sessions/seminar are really the in-thing nowadays.

    I just finished 6 weeks intensive training as a Virtual Assitant using the internet. We do our class sessions online using applications such as Zoom and GotoMeeting. The class goes smoothly and we learned a lot from our coaches. It is also advantageous for us PWD’s because we don’t have to go to a particular place to attend a class, we just have to go online and learned a lot of things.

    1. I totally agree we must embrace technology, to save time, effort and resources! At some point most of us are afraid of change and the unknown. I was definitely apprehensive to partake in virtual office training. I had been given a target to complete the training in 3 days.

      I started day one dreading what lay ahead for the next 3 days. I signed in and at first glance there were a number of modules that looked overwhelming! As a PWD, this was my first step to an online session.

      Before I knew two hours had flown by, with no interruptions or distractions. I was totally focussed and in the swing of this wonderful new way to gain knowledge. I could go through the training, making notes at my pace and I loved the interaction.

      Needless to say it saved me time and resources, finally completing the training on day 1 within 10 hours.

      I love the online sessions which have equipped me with new tools like GotoMeeting and Google Calendar. Would I consider going back to classroom based training where the loudest voice always prevails? Definitely not! The eLearning environment is the way forward.

    2. Nowadays, we should learn use of the technology that is available today to save us time, decrease the transportation costs and all resources that we will need. Online sessions/seminar are really the in-thing nowadays.

      I am teaching computer online Volunteer for two different computer classes in Peace Educational shelter, that has established for refugees in Ciserua, Bogor, Indonesia. Its very interesting method for students because of live screen share. So, I do our class sessions online using applications such as Skype and Time-viewer. The class goes smoothly and they learned a lot from me. It is also advantageous for us because we don’t have to go to a particular place at the particular time to attend a class, we just have to go online and communicate a lot of things. All of this is the advantages and use of technology.

  3. I am of the opinion that online learning is a brilliant and cost-effective way to learn new objectives in a fun and extremely quick fashion. I enrolled on an HTML course on Codecademy two years ago and I can state with confidence that it taught me so much more when compared to my textbooks.

    Having said that, although it is an effective way of learning, it also prevents people from socialising as there is no need for an environment where students come together and learn not only the material in a course but also the importance of socialising with other human beings. Online learning (barring, of course, cases where VoIP software is used), removes the need for social interaction and encourages us to develop an introverted personality and as a PWD I have found that that is not the better option.

  4. The whole e-concept that you, Mr. Thomas NG, have intensified lately, curiously enough, coincides with focus of my recent professional and personal interests. And as you, naturally, emphasise mainly the advantages of e-learning, e-working and e-earning, I, in this occasion, would like to discuss the actual amalgamate between the human and the contemporary technology seen from a little bit different, scientific perspective; which will eventually lead to a few suggestions what could improve i.e. complete your business approach.

    In doing this, I also incorporate a first-hand component written by the disabled discourse of mine, which considers post-humanist suffering versus intense technological embrace. Nevertheless, the irony of such a hug is that nowadays we hardly draw an essential organic – machinic demarcation line, which is indeed scary. The eternal dream of establishing a complete connection with our tools, however, certainly needs to point out that when we stripe away all layers of technology, we are only left with the human.

    Living in an era of dramatic changes in electronic features, dwelling in an age of a rapidly paced world, surviving in a semi-real and semi-virtual span, subsisting in the epoch of tectonic socio-cultural displacements, we exist in a state of endless remodeling of the self. Examining the limits of our ability to be infinitely available, balancing between the soft edges of our interiors and exteriors, stretching our artificial inter-humans bonds to the phase of absurdity, we colonise and absorb each other’s alterations. Chronicling disoriented self by the obsessions of consumerism, clicking on constellation of texts, images and sounds, addressing our fictive selves at some “dot-com” locales, peering at floating bits of joys and pains, navigating through an electronic theater of operations, attuning instantly to multiple programs and applications, we reach a stage of annoying proportion: we determine to give human characteristics to objects and content to treat ourselves as machines.

    Cyber related matters mean a way of life to a good percentage of the planet Earth inhabitants, and therefore have grown into a huge area of various academic researches. They enduringly reveal the world in new forms, substances and varieties; and thus imply a necessity for thorough re-conceptualisation of social, cultural and material relations. And they, in fact, permanently and radically change the human existence – and hence experience – in dissimilar and unpredictable directions. Accordingly, we have to be attentive how the contemporary automation represented chiefly through the internet sphere greatly affects our being; why this cyber epoch’s impact is so huge on our belittled selfhood; and what it entails to be with new digital sciences. Or put differently, in what manner information and communication technology intervenes in and conditions our minds and bodies making us cyborgs.

    This phenomenon is especially accentuated at people with disabilities (PWD). Depending on the context in which they find themselves interacting with machines, they actually become multiple bodies and many selves. After this dis-union, it gets difficult to encompass the contours of the world they live in; and cyberspace turns out to be a much more comfortable residing zone than imperfect frustrating tangibility. Because biological certainty of our physicality is conditional aspect of humanity, technology makes us aware of and tempts our (in)ability. Since our being is broken down into high-tech metaphors, the crucial matter to us is to learn how compatible we are with the environment: with others and with ourselves.

    In a deficiency of strong and supportive social structure, and its explicit commitments, it is easy to comprehend why expectation or fear of prejudice and discrimination forces this very sensitive and vulnerable population to prefer to “hide” behind the barriers, walls and screens. Whilst community has historically been physically and geographically constructed, online communities afford much more facile ways of perceiving substantial qualities of the disabled individual. In the real world, where everything is designed to meet the needs of the majority and to afflict its perception, its observable cues that activates schemas serves as an explanation for all the stigmas and dogmas which isolate physically disabled people.
    In this regard, your idea to employ PWD seems great. But to some extent. In the world which likes to call itself enlightened and civilized, assistive technology actually serves as a segregated zone with significant benefits for the disabled population. In the techno environments, where their mobility is quicken, they have the opportunity to “level the working field”. In the sphere where people are not judged by their stereotyped look, the potential of invisibility practically means that they no longer need to be restricted to the etiquette that society imposes upon them. By operating in a medium where a visual perception is not the primary element, disabled people have the chance to present their viable skills, and therefore to function “normally” without exact revealing of their impairment. So, the physical handicap becomes a secondary matter. Whether it will be explained impromptu or it will be “masked”, it heads to something described as a “more positively valued identity” defined by the intellectual capacity. In fact, this convenience provided by the lack of visual hints creates options for disabled people that they are not allowed in tête-à-tête situations.

    Yet, the mirage of liberalisation from constrains looks naïve. When the job is done and the computer is turned off, brute carnality strikes again. So, can people leave their disability behind the screen without any elusive repercussions? On the street, people with disability still remain PWD. In most of encounterers’ minds, they are reduced again to their frail appearance, which is the antithesis of the commanded being associated with linearity, uniformity, adequacy, productivity and/or normality. In the ableist dominated kingdom, disabilism still breaks through its path slowly and heavily. Consequently, their personality is decreased to a classification made by the muscle-dominated world and its able-bodied brawn which implicitly or explicitly influence the course of their social life.

    Let us be realistic. Disability is not only culturally mediated; it is constituted through culture, and, therefore, is not easily permeable into its rigid frames. Resultantly, treating disability is extremely serious problem and needs a solution. Disability might participate through technology in normalcy and cannot be normal yet, let alone be valuable or enjoyable.

    Manoeuvring on the line amongst the two on – offline discrepancies, recognising the essentially political role of the body which serves as boundaries’ marker and as subjects’ separator, and, in fact, using my theoretical and empirical knowledge, I propose expanding of your e-concept from virtuality into reality. For the sake of making Genashtim fully and truly socially responsible company, which would completely take care of its employees, I convey advice to establish a department with adequately trained team which would deal with multiple aspects of disability on individual base. Each worker along with his immediate surrounding would be contribute to it through permanent interviews, questionnaires, narratives, surveys, opinions; in order to evaluate and, hence, to correct the psychological, social and material features of living as and close to a disabled person in an exclusory world.

    The interdisciplinary character of disability is indeed one of the reasons why is this sensitive field of inquiry conceptualised as critical. Disability spreads a starting space from which to think through a host of equally relevant political, theoretical and practical issues. Thus, the gathered data should contribute to better understand its complex nature, to enhance the alertness of inequality, and to allow affirmative ways of reasoning about disability. Disability, therefore, would not only be a stigmatised expression of an individual, but a social gateway to an exploration of general discriminative practices.

    With kind regards,

    Irena Popovska, MA Social & Cultural Theory

  5. We live in time of constant changes. Life modifies and education must adapt with hew frequency, to develop children intelligence of in order providing better ways of grasping knowledge.
    Sharing information is a process that improves with the speed of life. Interest for the knowledge should not be suffocated with methods or rules that belongs to history. New generations should be provided with new tools to explore and develop.

  6. No doubt, eLearning or training is cost and time effective. There is no comparison of eLearning and traditional teaching for peoples living in developed countries where technology and internet is not an issue. But classroom-based training is a need for disadvantaged communities where access to internet and related technology is a challenge in some developing countries. Therefore, eLearning
    Being a person with disability I always prefer learn and work online because technology ease participation and barriers free. At the same time I have seen and faced challenges in eLearning modes too including but not limited to power cut, slow internet connections and sometimes devices failure. So, there are merits and demerits in either mode. So, it is the facilitator’s responsibility to select relevant target groups, assess their learning needs well before conducting the sessions. Also a preset classroom or session norms may reduce irrelevant questions and wastage of time.
    After all, eLearning or eTraining is a transformational mode. The most important thing is that how people and their organizations learn online or in classroom and transfer their learning into practice and performance.

  7. Honestly base from what i just read about that “classroom based training” posted above , was basically, it didn’t really work well to a point that it did not suit to served the prime purpose of the established stretch required of a word “Classroom based training”. First and foremost there should be a prescribed order or rules to be followed, created within the same limit and boundary by the proponent of the said training , to be vet and voted upon upon by substantial members to make the deliberation more of plenary as well as effectivity . Like for an example a sound program that will enumerate the step-by-step process to put order and maintain a time frame as to the progress of delivery of the program.
    Second, is to legislate a charter that will hold and regulate the affairs to be taken in the said program, that can be delegated to the supervisor in charge, which in turn could be the teacher or the speaker itself. The teacher or the speaker then would have a right to sanction and regulate the drift of the conversation and if there sprout an interpelation necessary to build sound policy towards inculcation of information, thus to embrace “mode of delivery”. The teacher would be the sole judge to render if those question tossed around still exhibits the germane of the topic being discussed.He may require those participants to show their propriety by addressing first the teacher if he or she has anything have to say as a response or even to express his contrariety there of.
    Last, is the inexplicable struggles provided for, when you have to go to a cruise, concomitant of having to deal with the traffic would be an absolute aberrant for the applicant to take part of the training. Nonetheless, the situation did not show a great deal of success due to lack of preparation, and thorough planning.Nevertheless, thankful enough that the program did got through.

  8. It shows a situation wherein classroom-based training is more of unreliable source of how can we succor individuals to en kindle them to to be involve in something of worth of their time and effort. A way supposedly , where we should be able to manage soundly and effectively weaving other people’s capabilities to be able for them to maximize whatever latent potential ingrained to them.

    The situation here displays an enormity of how do mode of delivery planked as i thwarts the dissemination of the topic
    which is crucial for all of the participant including the proponents.It invokes vast vetting to be able to procure firm and sound policy that will embrace all intermittent periodic variation that may arouse in a particular given situation such as “training”. However, if those who have operate such training would have proved to attached sound rules and procedure to be implemented by the person in-charge thereof to sanction the time-frame to cramp the sprout of questioner to be able to maintain the wants to take their turns and to regulate a system wherein all of questions and reactions should be funnel by addressing it first to the focal person or teacher in-charge so he may assess the drift of the tide of the question and answer portion to fall under the germane of the topic only.

    In the other hand, the perilous link of having to get on a bus or any public use vehicle including private if they have, would jeopardize the purpose of getting themselves to be whet. Contrarily ,the primary objective of sophisticated learning that has to be clasped on and be enjoyed by those Person With Disability such as i, would suffer to dwindle until it turns to be barren, over just for a simple slip shod mode of delivery lacking security of safety.

  9. I can imagine how frustrating that is for you, on that particular day. This is what exactly I see technology as. Technology offers countless opportunities to maximize efficiency within your business operations, and therefore, save you time and money. We are currently living in a generation where time is very valuable. Therefore, we need to make every minute counts. Going back to that training session, I might suggest to give each participants specific time to give their opinion. I’d also suggest, to make a separate discussion about exchanging each and everyone’s idea. From there, we could manage and organized the event. You actually have a very good point as well, by the way. Thanks!

  10. Training effectiveness is based on the training provider how and what as per today’s technology and the type of e-learning’s. The human resources or human welfares organize the structure of new employees briefing on the basic knowledge of the training before assigned to the related job. Training is required at every stage of work and for every person at work. To keep one-self updated with the fast changing technologies, concepts, values and environment, training plays a vital role. Training programs are also necessary in any organization; for improving the quality of work of the employees at all levels. It is also required when a person is moved from one assignment to another of a different nature also areas of evaluation of training, retraining and dimensions of organizational learning.
    Training is a process of learning a sequence of programmed behavior. It is the application of knowledge & gives people an awareness of rules & procedures to guide their behavior. It helps in bringing about positive change in the knowledge, skills & attitudes of employees. Training is investment in getting more and better quality in working skill and talent.

    Training is a process that tries to improve skills or add to the existing level of knowledge so that the employee is better equipped to do his assigned job. To make sure every employee to be fit for a higher job involving higher responsibilities. It bridges the gap between what the employee has & what the job demands. It is also continues improvement initiative.

  11. Training needs analysis. Since training involves time, effort & money by an organization, so an organization should to be very careful while designing a training program. The objectives & need for training should be clearly identified & the method or type of training should be chosen according to the needs & objectives established. Once this is done accurately, an organization should take a feedback on the training program from the trainees in the form of a structured questionnaire so as to know whether the amount & time invested on training has turned into an investment or it was a total expenditure for an organization.

    Recurrent training is training that is scheduled at periodic intervals in order to keep employee skill abilities at a maximum level. Recurrent training often occurs in certain industries, like health care and aviation where human safety is involved. Recurrent training can be outsourced, provided by a visiting instructor, or performed by instructors from a corporate training department.

  12. I totally agree with your analysis. I have also questioned the effectiveness of classroom-based training. The fact is that everyone learns at a different pace. There are bound to be some people who may need to spend more time with the training material to fully understand it. Classroom training does not take this into account. There is little surprise that some people always perform way better than others although they were been taught in the same classroom. It only shows that they are more suited to that type of teaching system and learning environment.

    1. Base on my experiance as a Industrial trainer for 12 years and freelance trainer for past 10 years, I will be called to conduct class room training without a training materials provided so in this case I have do TNA than come out with my own training materials by studying with own understanding. During the class room induction training I also must understand the capable of the students this will make my training more effective. If we just study the materials prepared by someone else and we just bla bla bla like the teachers teach in the schools yes you only can see the average of people only perform well as you said that there is little surprise that some people always perform way better than others although they were been taught in the same classroom.

  13. Nevertheless, the advantage of an eLearning setup has been prevalent these days.

    Pointing out about the time efficiency and cost-effectiveness is engaging to the readers which could make them reconsider working at home. Besides, there are many outside factors aside from the “mode of delivery” that affects its concept.

    Secondly, eLearning has been the tool for many freelancers that aspire to upgrade their skills while working at home. The advancing technology has been a key factor for this and it has been helpful for striving professionals that choose to work wherever and whenever they prefer.

  14. That’s a very common scenario for a CBT. I became a trainer for about 5 years. I experienced traveling for 1-2 hours, conduct a training for 2 hours, and travel back home for another 1-2 hours. I also experienced having students who are quick to learn and those who are unfortunate. When the unfortunate ones ask questions, you have to explain the lessons further, and if that includes a demo, show it again. Doing so, however, affects the quick-learners enthusiasm as they wanted to go ahead with the lessons but have to bear the situation. This is why creating online self-paced trainings became my passion. Creating e-Learning courses solve a lot of problems in CBT: transportation, inconsistencies in training content and delivery, venue, time, etc.

  15. First of all before conducting a Training, one should have a PLAN and outline of the Training, module prepared according to Topic selected and venue of the Training to be conducted.
    The feedback forms are better ways to know how to improve the Trainers incapability and eradicate errors.
    A proper time allowance should be given to the trainees to clear their doubts and not just rush through to complete the Training hours. Today technology e-learning is better and we could save a lot of stuff such as time for searching parking, fuel station, travelling time and we’ll be punctual and can be at our own comfort!

  16. It is a wonderful time to be alive, with the most cutting-edge technology and reasonably affordable everywhere around the world, I am not trying to say that there is no poverty in the world and everyone has access to various techs. However, most people around the planate could have at least mobile phone, which can provide more than anyone can imagine. We can have online class and access to every possible website to get learning materials, which makes us save time and spend that time with our loved one instead. Online class is a true option instead of face to face. So when we can, why not.

  17. Hi Thomas,

    It is an obvious fact but, at the same time, it is an unfortunate, trending challenge that almost all the trainers and facilitators face in the workshop or training rooms.

    As a facilitator and an attendee in some workshops, I can feel the itch deep down in the stomach when the clock is ticking to catch up with the agenda and another fellow attendee is diverging the topic to merely show off his English skill or, in some cases, the level of the topic is considerably higher than his understanding.

    But, I wouldn’t ignore the irrelevant questions, instead, I would facilitate the attendees to park their questions where I could come back to the questions (depending on the nature of the question but mostly in one on one session) if I have time at the end of the session.

  18. I’ve had a similar experience, although it was more of a formal course that I had to attend for 3 months. Since I live in Bogor, a city 3-4 hours away from Jakarta, I had to wake up every day at 3 am, get ready and leave for Jakarta so I could get to class in time. During class, I would sit down and listen to a presentation on-screen with audio voiceover with the trainer doing little to no work to add to the session. Then after the session I would take the public transport back home which depending on the traffic would take approximately 4-5 hours. By the time I got home, I was exhausted both mentally and physically and had zero motivation to sit down and review what I had learned that day.

    On the other hand, I recently started attending an online course on Coursera (also a 3 month course) but the resources and materials were all available online with a discussion board at our disposal where people from all over the world were present to help each other almost 24/7. Moreover, the courses could be done at my own pace and timing which made things even more convenient. This saved me time, money, energy and resources while offering me the same amount of knowledge and information. This is why I also concur that technology can and has provided us with opportunities which were not accessible to us before. And it would be a great waste not to utilize this to our advantage in this modern era where everything is progressing so rapidly.

  19. When I see what Salman Khan has done, it encourages me to be more creative.
    Their videos are amazing, nowadays people are looking for different kinds of flip learning ways in different applications and platforms but it (khan academy) seems like being inside the class physically.
    I am thinking how to encourage more people to get access to it in my country. According to that Afghanistan is a 3rd world country and more than 50% of its population is under poverty line and getting access to flip classroom is quite expensive so, to be realistic it is not possible there for many people.
    When people are coming from that kind of background to Indonesia, it takes a bit time to help them with building their capacity to get to know and get encouraged with the flip classroom.
    Overall, I’m also thinking how to find out world’s need and move forward to make it happen as Khan Academy has done about flip classroom.

  20. Everyone have their own point of view to the elearning program but according to me elearning is very best way to teach students online. Its also time saving process also as it is modern era most people would prefer elearning rather than attending the lecture. As the technology is getting brighter day by day we have to make use of it. We can whatever we want from online than a traineer or a teacher

  21. in the era that we’re living in, almost everything is under the influence of technology and the internet and we can use that positive point in learning and teaching.
    I’m a volunteer teacher at Refugee Learning Nest in Cisarua-Bogor. I teach different classes with different age groups. some of students are kids and teenagers and some of them are adults, most of the times technology and online materials helps me a lot in teaching and it improves the quality of lessons and interest of students in class.
    I have attended several online classes and workshops and i really like to use this method of teaching and learning in my classes for my students but for some reasons and situations of my students which most of them are refugees and they don’t have access to the good internet connection or they don’t have a proper sort of device like tablet, smartphone or laptop i have still could not manage to do this. because from my point of view use of technology and online classes is very useful, low cost and time saving for students and also educators who are willing to share their knowledge.

  22. Mode of delivery is a considerable point for both teachers and workshop organizers prior to actual presentation, since it would highly impress the audience’s insight for the effectiveness of any classrooms or workshops. No matter how important the topic or the message is, poor presentation will ruin it all.
    It is admirable that the presenters consider the audience by providing a chance for questions, reviews and constructive interactions through the session which is, in essence, part of any trainings. The credibility and success of the training can be evaluated by high or low interaction of audience. Meanwhile, participants are the core of the training who will contribute to trainings by their valuable inputs.


  23. I think there are advantages and disadvantages of classroom based trainings, if the trainer doesn’t have control over his/her classroom and discipline is not taken seriously issues like irrelevant questions and disturbance take place.

    There are very good examples mentioned in the article about disadvantages of classroom based training such as time consuming, if the training is conducted far away from the place where you live it might take hours to commute for the training but it certainly has its advantages also such as interaction with other participants, building personal relationships, learning from each others, unlike online training but these days online trainings are preferable and efficient. Thanks,

  24. Yes, I noticed there are some problems occurring during training session in a classroom that affect students’ learning comprehension, but I have to say that all the problems occur in classroom depend on trainer or coach’s methods or nature and state of training such as behavior of coach, weak explanation of topic, no pre-preparation, lack of class control techniques, not being energetic, not being fresh, not giving chance to all students for class participation, inexperience, not having enough education and etc.
    What all I really mean is the coach or trainer must be enthusiastic and excited to take the class with full preparation of training session including long and short-term training plan. This way, the class will be an interesting class and no doubt students learn better in an interesting class.

    Best of Luck!

  25. E-Learning makes it possible for students with Disabilities to take classes that wouldn’t normally be available to them. For example, Higher Learning Institutions without Disability friendly facilities in Kenya can share and exchange classes online. Jomo Kenyatta University is just one of many institutions of higher learning that share resources, allowing students to participate in class activities from home.
    Online learning also support poor students with shrinking budgets and strained resources limit access to libraries and other learning materials. With eLearning courses, students can study at their own pace with a wide range of online tools from scholarly articles to audio or video lectures.

  26. There are clear differences between classroom based training session and online or e- learning as today we are part of a global village we are advanced in technology where we need to utilize it and benefited more then ever by e-learning we can have tremendous benefits like it save our time, give us complete freedom when where and how many times want to repeat the lessons, it have low costs, it also save energies ,resources and help us in having clean and green environment.

    I also have had similar experiences facilitated and attended many training sessions of short to long durations live and online. There are different kinds of facilitator selecting different modes of delivering a Session, the mode of delivering a training session is very important because the whole outcomes of the session depends on that the effective ones with great outcomes are those using specific topic related materials, make session intresting and easy to understand for every participant by using facilitation skills , slide shows and videos, Time management, involving every participants and keeping session on track.

  27. The training it should be simple easy for the trainee to learning and understand about the topic. It should provide a lot of information and videos about the topic to make better for the trainee to work out the topic .Give time to those interested to ask question. it should be there link for training those who cannot come to the CLASSROOM-BASED Training now the internet makes everything easy and simple for the people to training online or learn from videos and Social Media.

  28. Training and workshop:

    Generally, all training and workshops are designed based on learners needs worldwide. Trainers and coordinators try their best to provide martial, videos and paper as much as they need for their participants. I have already been in different training and workshops which were conducted by DHL Company. I have learnt many things in training classrooms. But there is one thing I can say that some trainers give more material than the learners can catch them during the session. I had some sessions where the classrooms were overloaded with a lot of paper. I am sure that the students can learn in this way because the need time and practice. I believe in less martial and more practice.

    I have attended in different training and workshops in Indonesia in last few years. As my first training I participated in a teacher training which was held by Peace Generation in 2017 in Bandung, Indonesia. It was great because the trainer who was from Australia was very professional with a lot of experience and he taught the students in two ways, theory and practical. That was very helpful and useful training for me and all the students in our classroom because we had enough time to practice and also we had to present our lesson as a group and individual regularly for two days.

    My second training I joined CCIP training as an interpreter for 52 hours in 7 days which was conducted by JRS Indonesia and Alice Johnson from the United States in 2018 in Cisarua, Bogor. In this training we were many people who had many questions, they asked the trainers freely. Some of the questions were out the topic but Alice Johnson tried to explain us clearly. She could control the session nicely and patiently. Everyone was happy and energetic to pass that training successfully. As I believe we can learn many topics by group discussion and presentation more than studying theory in classrooms.

    Practice makes everyone perfect.

    Written by:
    Danish, 21/2/2019

  29. Although technology-based training is becoming increasingly popular, training experts agree that it will never completely replace classroom training because it doesn’t make you to interact with new people face to face which makes it more difficult to improve their social skills.
    At present, an overwhelming number of schools, colleges, universities and companies continue to use classroom training alongside an increasing amount of technology-based training, such as e-learning and computer-based training. Today, there is an array of techniques, methods, activities, and training aids available to create and present memorable, meaningful, and successful classroom training sessions.
    Personally, I prefer online training sessions, its more flexible, and you can save more time instead of driving far away.

    Written by Zabihulllah Hussaini, 14/04/2019

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